Thursday, October 21, 2021

My cutest pet family...


I don't know if you believe that I have 10 pets. Those are 04 dogs and 06 cats.๐Ÿ˜In fact they are now part of our  family. ๐Ÿ˜Š
My 04 dogs can be introduce like this. The eldest is is Tutu. Now she is five years old. She is brown in color. Then there are Tooby, Misty and Windy. They are three years, One year and Seven months. Except Tooby, the other three were homeless little puppies on the road. But now they have a home and family.
So, my cat pets can be introduced like this, The eldest one is Kitty. She is my first kitten. Now she is three years old. She has two daughters and they are Sudu and Chooty. Then I have Teddy and Teddy Malli๐Ÿ˜น Their names are really funny. They Know their names well.

 Unfortunately, their mother passed away two months ago.๐Ÿ˜”Her name was Onii. And the little one is Patty. He is Son of Kitty. Patty is really cute and very spinner. 
All of these are take care by my kind mother. Our home full of happy with them. All this pets are very close to us. We can't live without them. I think the same goes for them. I really love them very much.๐Ÿ’–

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