Sunday, October 24, 2021




Ambuluwawa Tower can be seen at the top of the hill.

Ambuluwawa is a wonderful place which situated in Gampola. We went a nice trip to climb the Ambuluwawa tower. Of course I had heard of Ambuluwawa but I did not think it was such an amazing place. We went there on March 20 This year. Some of my best friends and their friends joined with us. We took a small bus for our trip. There were about 20 of them all. When we reached the entrance of Ambuluwawa, we had stop the bus there then we decided to go on foot from there.

There surroundings are so beautiful and that nature is amazing. The area we passed is richly diverse with evergreen forests, flower plants as well as creepers and lot of endemic plants and also medicine plants. There is a cool mountain breeze in the area due to this reason. We moved forward slowly among them and we captured lots of pictures. That walk was not easy as we thought. At least it had about 03 miles to walk. There were a lot of friends, so sometimes we stopped on the way and somehow we came to the top. 

Way to Ambuluwawa Tower

Here we are๐Ÿ˜‹
At the entrance to the tower we have tp get a ticket again and they check out us in there. Things like helmets, handbags are not allowed for upstairs because that things have fallen down and been damaged before. Ambuluwawa is a large winding tower. It has to climb both inside and outside the tower but after going halfway up, we can only climb from out side. Then we can see such amazing view covered by the mist below. However, once the mist clears off the view can be scary those who have a fear of height. I had never climbed this height before so this was a weird experience for me. I also felt a thrill. As we go up, the stairs gradually narrow. Everyone coming down and going up has to go through those narrow stairs. Although it had a handrail, I was too scared to go that way inasmuch, the mist was gone and the below was very clear. It's very cold at the top. Then my hands were shivering. Ambuluwawa climbing is not dangerous or risky but taking pictures as an adventurous from the top of the tower is very dangerous. We stands in a very small space at the top. It can easily slip and fall down. I think climbing this tower is also dangerous for children. Others can climb this carefully. 
We are well above ground level

It was a Saturday, so there were more people. Then me and my Friends decided to going back without going to upper stair because there situation was a bit dire. 

Ambuluwawa is the first multi-religious sanctuary in Sri Lanka. Pilgrimage elements belonging to all religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism and Islam have been created here. It was really beautiful.

Other small tower 

There is another small tower in the shape of the Ambuluwawa tower. Also we climbed it. After that we walked back down again. When we go to the bus, we were very hungry and tired. We decided to have our lunch from there. We had prepared rice and so many delicious curries from home. So the lunch was very tasty.

Our journey did not stop from there. Next We went to the Nelligala International Buddhist Center in Kandy. I hope to tell about the Nelligala temple from the next post. Don't forget to visit amazing Ambuluwawa after this COVID-19 situation.  


Saturday, October 23, 2021



My school is CHRIST CHURCH NATIONAL COLLEGE in Matale. It was my first and only school. I admitted there in 2006. That's for my grade one. My school was established on 1864 and it has a proud history of 157 years. Our past principles are very dedicated to the progress of our school. There are so many great and famous people had out from my school. Moreover, it has a top place in sports, cadet teams, aesthetic fields and all other educational activities. 

My school was helped me to come this far in my academic journey. I can say it anywhere. My teachers also taught us thinking we were their own children. Fear of embarrassment to come forward last all of this and I gained confidence from my school platform. The beautiful surrounding of my school also provided a good environment for us to learn. I must say, we were able to maintain the first  place among all the schools in the Matale District as a very beneficial and clean school.

Grade 04 - 05  section

My favorite palace in the school is the music room. There are so many beautiful memories of my life in there. Everything I learned from my loving music teachers will still be remembered in there. My school memories from grade 01 to 13 are fantastic but my mind always stops at grade 12 and 13. It was a time of great intimacy with my friends and teachers. It was a time of great support for school work. So, there was a lot of connection with that time. How sad! it was the same time that passed very quickly. The way we had fun, the way we laughed and learned was all like a dream. I don't think such a wonderful time like that will ever come again.

This photo captured in 2017๐Ÿ’“

My A/L class room.๐Ÿ˜˜

I feel indescribable emotions when I am reminded of my school. At the some time it feels very sad. However, I would like to thank Mother Churchian, with all my heart. Without the strength of my school I would not be able to come here today. One of my wonderful dream is to work as a music teacher at my own school. I try my best to achieve it. Then again I can go to school with wonderful memories of the past.  ๐Ÿ’š

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Wonderful FINLAND...

If there is one country I would like to go to someday, it is Finland. Because it is such a wonderful country. As my knowledge Finland is the happiest country in the world. And I really like Finland's very satisfying education system. There official languages are Finnish And Swedish. But it doesn't require knowing Finnish or Swedish. It is enough to know only English. I told before Finland is the happiest country in the world. So, there are many factors that make Finland such a happy country. The Finnish welfare system, free high-quality education, free healthcare, gender equality, clean nature, a high degree of personal freedom and a well-functioning society are some of them. As I know there education system in non-stressed one. Of course, it is not  surprising that even when you think about such a thing, you feel so happy. Not only that, Finland is regarded as one of the safest country in the world. 

Also Finland has a beautiful nature. There are four seasons in Finland. They are summer, autumn, winter and spring. I would love to see winter and spring season in there. There are so many wonderful places to visit in Finland. Below are some of them.
Koli National Park

Kuusam, The eastern wilderness and doorway to Lapland

Road 62 to Savonlinna on the Great Lake Saimaa

Kvarkn Archipelago near Vaaso

I have a great desire to at least go and visit Finland. If I can do that in the future, it will be an unforgettable experience in my life. 

My Happiness

๐Ÿ’—As I think I have the luckiest family in the world. I have been very close to my family since I was a child. The main reason is that my parents are like friends to me. If there is any success in my life, it is my family behind it. My thaththa worked abroad. But we did not feel that he was far from us. The only reason is that my amma and thaththa are so close. Sometimes there are some small fight, but they do not go so long. My favorite place in our home is the kitchen. Because we're talking there when amma makes us delicious food. Somedays thaththa and me sing songs. He plays the guitar too. Amma and malli can't sing well but they also join with us. My amma very close to me every time. It still make easier to do my studies. My malli is also a great strength to me. He takes care of me. But we fight a little however that moments make us really fun. I remember thaththa said one day, ' The four of us are like a chain. If one of them escapes, the others will not be able to be happy together '. It was just before thaththa left the country. I remember it like it is today. I can't imagine how to stay away from home when I started university. I know it's going to be hard for me to do for a while. I don't want to be too rich. I want to be happy forever with amma, thaththa and malli.  I can't finish saying this about my home and my family. I am ready to be anything for my family. I love them so much.๐Ÿ’—

My cutest pet family...


I don't know if you believe that I have 10 pets. Those are 04 dogs and 06 cats.๐Ÿ˜In fact they are now part of our  family. ๐Ÿ˜Š
My 04 dogs can be introduce like this. The eldest is is Tutu. Now she is five years old. She is brown in color. Then there are Tooby, Misty and Windy. They are three years, One year and Seven months. Except Tooby, the other three were homeless little puppies on the road. But now they have a home and family.
So, my cat pets can be introduced like this, The eldest one is Kitty. She is my first kitten. Now she is three years old. She has two daughters and they are Sudu and Chooty. Then I have Teddy and Teddy Malli๐Ÿ˜น Their names are really funny. They Know their names well.

 Unfortunately, their mother passed away two months ago.๐Ÿ˜”Her name was Onii. And the little one is Patty. He is Son of Kitty. Patty is really cute and very spinner. 
All of these are take care by my kind mother. Our home full of happy with them. All this pets are very close to us. We can't live without them. I think the same goes for them. I really love them very much.๐Ÿ’–

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Wonderful LORNA DOONE.


One of my favorite hobby is reading books. Among them I love to read translated navels. So, Lorna Doone Sinhala adaptation novel is a very beautiful book I read. I got it from one of my cousin sister for my 20th birthday.  Lorna Doone novel was written by R. D. Blackmore. It's first edition was published in 1869. The Sinhala adaptation of Lorna Doone was done by  Soma T. Perera. This book contains a lot of things like love, revenge, adventures. As Soma T. Perera mentioned in the preview in this adaptation book, this is a love story written with a true background on British history. 
John Reid is one of the main characters in the adaptation. He tells the story until the 11th chapter. After that the story is told by Lorna Doone. This is very interesting novel. John Reid is the one who accidentally meets Lorna Doone when he goes  to spy on Kaver Doone who killed his father. After a while Lona and John became best friends and later they became lovers, with risking their lives as well. 
They had more miserable  experiences than the beauty in the story that flows this way. But in the end, their marriage was decided. But the enemy Kaver Doone remained free in that time. On the wedding day, with the blessing of all, John and Lona were about to finish their wedding, Kaver Doone unexpectedly  fired a shot at princess Lorna. But luckily the target went wrong and she hat minor injuries. After this John Reid gave to Kaver Doone an unforgettable penalty. Then everything ended peacefully and happily. One thing Lorna Doone says at the here and it graven to my heart. That is ' If something is destined to happen, it will happen'. I thankful to my cousin sister for giving me this wonderful novel.

Monday, October 18, 2021


Paper crafts need to be done with a patient mind. Hear are some paper crafts I did some time ago. After my A/L examination, I got a little bored. I saw some paper crafts on a you tube channel and through to try it. It wasn't easy for me when it started. But I did not give up because of my desire. After a while I had a lot of fun from doing this paper crafts. I created a lot of flower bouquets, wall hangings and pen holders etc. They were appreciated by many. I also gave them as gifts to my friends. If this is what I did when I started. Unfortunately, I lost some of my favorite creations. It is very sad that I could not take a picture of them. After started my university studies, I missed paper crafts because of my busy schedule. But still one of my favorite hobby is doing paper crafting. ๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ’–

Sunday, October 17, 2021

The Most Beautiful Day After The Curfew.

 We have a lot of friends but very few close friends. It's like the number of fingers on a hand๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ซ. We went to Kandy in this beautiful day. To the Temple of Tooth. Usually, we go to the Temple of Tooth about once in two months. But with this unfortunate COVID-19 condition we didn't have to do that๐Ÿ˜ฅ. In this day, first we went to relic the Temple of Tooth. After that we walked the whole lack round with talkin and laughing. It was very enjoyable๐Ÿ˜. My friend DULA Loves to take photos. She has good creative ideas about it. So, we also took a lot of beautiful pictures. After this long walk we had a huge hungry. Then we went to Balaji Hotel for eat something. We ate very tasted THOSE from there. The food was really tasty. So we ate well๐Ÿ˜‹. Then we went for a little shopping in the Kandy City Center. There we bought some books and some things. We had a lot to talk because that was our first meeting after the last curfew. That day it rained a little but that did not fetter us. Every move with best friends ends with a lot of beautiful memories๐Ÿ˜. They are very valuable things in my life๐Ÿ’–.

"SERU GALA" Hiking.

As I told you before, last Monday I visited Aluwiharaya Mountain with my university friends. It’s called “SERU GALA”. It’s really a coincide...